Process and duration

What do I have to expect?

During an initial examination, you will be informed about the type and severity of the tooth and jaw misalignment. After capturing information such as x-rays and jaw models, the treatment plan will be discussed with you. If you and your child agree, treatment can begin.

As a rule, check-up sessions take place every 5 to 8 weeks, although there may also be interim periods not requiring use of dental appliances. Since we take advantage of the growth phase for orthodontic treatment in young patients, a treatment time of 3 to 4 years must be expected for a sustainable result. With simple corrections, the desired results can be achieved after just 1 to 2 years.

After the dental appliances are removed, the retention phase begins. We check the result achieved and aim to prevent the teeth from moving again at an early stage.

There are dangers in proceeding too quickly: side effects in the form of pain and inflammation increase massively, resorption can occur at the tooth roots and the result achieved does not remain stable.
